There is a trend between Jurassic Park and Jurassic world. Let’s start with one that, once you start to see what I have seen, it’s hard to really any other dinosaurs could be spotlighted in the next film, the indo-spino (spino meaning Spinosaurus Aegyptaicus).

It’s likely they take Ingen to court over the Jurassic Park events, and the company losses, so in one final attempt to gain glory Wu makes a new hybrid, and based on what I know, I think I have it narrowed down to two dinosaurs that could be appearing in dominion. Now, knowing these films now, i think it’s safe to say that Doctor Henry Wu is up to his old tricks and now with original cast (Yes the original cast) making a return along with the cast from the previous two Jurassic world movies. Battle at big rock is a 10 minute mini movie that makes it pretty clear that we are not on some island anymore, we are in the USA (or so I think form the mention of bears and the reports of dinosaurs causing mayhem for random people). In 2021 Jurassic world: dominion will come out, and battle at big rock is already out on YouTube.

Let me back up a bit, because I’m sure your confused about what I mean. Minor spoilers for the credits of battle at big rock, (maybe) the early plot and the trailer of Jurassic world: dominion, some plot points for most movies (not enough to spoil the whole movie), one of mat’s theories (the only major spoiler being the conclusion he came to (was Jurassic World staged?)), and very minor spoilers for four dinosaurs in Jurassic world alive, so not that much (no joke, unless I had to be explicit with content, it’s very vague, and most of the movie’s plot’s (in so far as it wasn’t needed in this theory) went unmentioned)