We also demonstrate the benefit of applying these tools, together with the potential of GIS with respect to spatial data queries, storage, and visualization. Major changes in foliation dip directions were detected and the axial surfaces of the folds were determined. Using OATools the structural conditions were explored. (c) A contour plot of the fracture density (after Kamb 1959) to indicate statistically significant pole concentrations. We could use a conventional bar chart or histogram, but this has the disadvantage that it separates data that are close together (e.g. Practical use of these tools is demonstrated in a case study of the Svratka and Polička crystalline units (Eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic), where a large dataset was collected. Binning the data into classes with width 10, 15 or 30 is often helpful: e.g. To calculate poles from planes, go back to the Operations header and pull down Poles. cross bed slip faces, imbrications, etc.). Identify critical zones, vectors, and intersections on a stereonet overlay with the kinematic analysis of planar and wedge. Draw user-defined planes, sets, and annotative tools. Visualize orientation vectors, density contours, planes, intersections, and traverses. This is the case for any planar paleocurrent data you may be dealing with (e.g. Designed for interactive analysis of orientation based geological data. There is a link between projections and maps therefore, it is possible to select point data in the projection and see their location on the map, and vice versa. before they can be plotted up on a rose diagram.

In this paper we introduce the functionality of this add-in, which allows users to plot selected data in azimuthal projection, calculate and plot fold axes, construct density distribution diagrams and rose histograms, and create maps of spatial averages and fold axes. Visible Geology runs in the browser so t. These tools bring a complex approach to structural data analysis that highlights the spatial aspect of oriented data. An online stereonet application that allows you to create and view all of your geologic stereonet information in 3D.

2 shows the synthetic joint data plotted in three dimensions, based on dip, dip direction, and infilling percentage ( Figure 2 a) or infilling material ( Figure 2 b), revealing four joint sets in both cases. high-angle joints, and the rose diagram of joint strike and the dip distribution. a) Rose diagram and b) contoured stereonet of pole density for synthetically generated joints.
This paper describes Orientation Analysis Tools (OATools), a new add-in, which has been developed for ArcGIS software (ESRI) to allow the spatial analysis of structural data. shear joint data is analyzed by the stereographic projection method.